Delivery & Returns Policy.



Finderlly Online Store Delivery:

Standard delivery under 5kg: £4.99.

Heavy item delivery by weight:
5kg to 15kg: £6.99
15.01KG to 20kg: £12.99
20.01kg and above: £16.99

Finderlly subscription service delivery for U.K. & International:

For Finderlly subscribers, delivery will differ depending on the product/service we find for you. Once we find the product/service we will contact you with the cost, including Finderlly fee and vendor delivery charges. Once you are happy with the price, only then will we purchase the product/service for you and then will be sent to you directly from the vendor.

We offer our Finderlly subscription services internationally. You will be contacted once you have subscribed and requested a Finder service from us. We will be transparent with the cost of products/services found, international delivery, international returns policy from the vendor and the Finderlly fee.

Note: Finderlly will not be liable for any custom charges that may apply.



Finderlly Online Store Returns:

Returns policy for goods purchased from Finderlly online store is as follows:
You are able to cancel your order for a full refund within 14 days of purchase. You will have another 14 days to return the products back to us. The full refund will be issued within 14 days of us receiving your products back.

Finderlly Subscription Service Returns:

For Finderlly subscribers, returns policy will differ depending on the product/service we find for you. Once we find the product/service we will contact you with the cost, including Finderlly fee, vendor delivery charges and vendor returns policy. Once you are happy with the price, only then will we purchase the product/service for you and will be sent to you directly from the vendor. If you do decide to do a return, you will be able to return the products/services back to the vendor directly using the vendors return policy.

We offer our Finderlly subscription services internationally. You will be contacted once you have subscribed and requested a Finder service from us. We will be transparent with the cost of products/services found, international delivery, international returns policy from the vendor and the Finderlly fee.